Wednesday 16 July 2008

Dramatis Personae

Today the same old same old as yesterday except tonight there is the Mercato sotto le Stelle. Tomorrow is likely to be the same as today though rain is possible.

To help you follow the plot, the main players are:

Roberto (and Francesca arriving soon) with Sara
Carlo and Claire with Giorgia and Rocco
Mark and Margery with Gemma

Andrew, Jill and Joe eventually
Loreno and Margaret arriving
Mike and Senga with Nina
Delio and Fede, Veronica and Michele and Carlotta
Late breaking news: Matthew and Michelle have also decided to join us

Franco and Umberta (local)
Mike and Donna with Matteo and Chiara (Francesca’s brother)
Carlo and Remo Padreschi with their families
Marie, Cliff, Roberto, Wanda and many others


doggybag said...

Barga Giardino was full of bustling people this evening all enjoying the balmy July evening air as they slowly walked through the market stalls shopping, chatting and generally enjoying themselves.
It was a just another market day in Barga except that this one was slightly different.
It was midnight and this was the Mercato Sotto le stelle - The Market under the Stars.

Ray and Jenny said...

You are correct - we were there